Center for Disability and Integration

Das Center for Disability and Integration (CDI-HSG) is an interdisciplinary research center that conducts research on the inclusion of people with disabilities in the workplace and related topics.

The CDI Team at the opening on 05th September 2009
The CDI Team at the opening on 05th September 2009

The CDI-HSG was founded in March 2009 by the Swiss Institute for Empirical Research in Economics (SEW-HSG) and the Institute for Leadership and Human Resource Management (I.FPM-HSG) to establish the inclusion of people with disabilities in the workplace as a research focus at the University of St.Gallen. The establishment of the center was enabled by a private donation from the foundation MyHandicap, with whom the CDI-HSG maintains a close partnership.

Over time, the focus of research has gradually been extended. In addition to the main focus on inclusion, other related areas are also being pursued today. In doing so, the CDI-HSG strives to meet the increasing complexity of the work environment resulting from the influences of digitalization and overarching social changes.

Research is divided into the two fields of Business Administration and Applied Disability Research. Each sets different focal points within their respective research, which are presented in more detail on the faculty pages.


The CDI-HSG presents itself
